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As an artist, I paint primarily in abstract expressionism which simply means I use paint and other media to express externally what’s bubbling up in my mind, body and spirit.

My process begins by meditating and journaling, then I go directly to the canvas and begin painting without having any expectation or idea what the final product will be. I build layer after layer…letting go & covering some things…keeping others.

Always, there comes a point in the painting process where I’m so frustrated I  want to poke myself in the eye with a paintbrush.
Thankfully, I work through this and, in the end, I’m always a little bit surprised, yet delighted, by what ends up on the canvas.

I love being an artist, teacher, and speaker. I mean, c’mon…how lucky am I? I get to bring joy and great energy into people’s lives and homes.
That’s an honor!
Sometimes what I create and say is deep and thoughtful; but, other times it’s just straight up fun and maybe a curse word or two sneaks in.

That’s what happens when you give a Cajun girl a paintbrush. It’s a lot like watching wrestling then going to church, and I’m so down with that. 

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