



A 6-week online bootcamp for artists (new and experienced alike). 


Create your most honest art by finding your voice, pinpointing your unique artistic style, and learn techniques that help elevate your art to "Fine Art".

Join the waitlist for the Honest Art Bootcamp!


The Honest Art Bootcamp is currently closed. Join the waitlist to be notified when we open again!

As an artist, you’re called to the canvas. You’re driven to create — and you love it. There’s just one thing… OK, two.


You’re not sure what you want to say every time you step to the canvas (or your chosen medium), and you’re not confident in your skills quite yet. 


While you’re called to create, the act of making your best art feels like everything is hanging in the balance. If you don’t get that color just right or this mark in the right place, everything falls apart.

What’s more, you know there are techniques that you could hone to really share your best work… but you don’t know what they are. 


You’re dedicated to your craft and you want to be proud of the art you make. Hell, it wouldn’t hurt if other people wanted to buy it, right?? 


If that’s you and you’re ready to create your best, most honest art yet, I have something for you…



Over the course of 6 weeks, we’ll work together to guide you through things like the key to finding your creative signature,  how to find your why, and how to use techniques that will take your art from “just fine” to “fine art.”

Because fine art isn’t for the lucky few who were “born with it.” We’ve all got it!! We just need the training.

Each week for six weeks, we’ll cover something new — like how to find your voice and let it guide you as your “true north.” Then, we’ll tie in what you learn about the internal work with a lesson on technique. Mondays will be for you to learn how to set yourself apart and Wednesdays will be for Art Critiques and Q&A.

From learning the fundamentals of fine art, applying that to your own mark-making & style, and my signature method of color mixing, you’ll learn everything you need to know to make your best, most honest art. 

No more looking to the outside world and shouting “Tell me if I’m any good." Nope. Not anymore. 

It's time to find YOUR style that sets you apart from the others. Because its the key to making and selling your very best art.



Wanna know what you’ll learn each week? There will be two live calls: Monday lessons and Wednesday Art Critiques and Q&As. 

What will we dig into each week? Here’s our Bootcamp calendar! 



🧠How your signature and voice help define your style 

🎨Why learning this ONE technique will immediately elevate your art & how to do it.

  • Why artists matter: Validating the human experience
  • How to stop watering yourself down and hiding who you are
  • Understanding the creative process in defining your style
  • Plus…The 4 Fundamentals of Fine Art + Developing an eye for color value



🧠Understanding YOUR why

🎨Everything you need to know about color saturation

  • How to find your why (and why it matters)
  • Journaling prompts to help guide you as move along this week
  • Plus…Determining loud voices versus soft voices in color saturation






🧠Finding your TRUE voice (and becoming confident to share it)  

🎨Lessons on composition

  • Why PLAY is the Key to discovering your voice
  • How to give fewer fucks when it comes to your art
  • Journaling prompts to help guide you as move along this week
  • Plus…learn everything about my infamous technique, Dance of the Opposites




🧠Notice what you notice 

🎨Making your personal mark


  • Finding beauty in the white space
  • Why you should stop emmulating other people’s style and work on developing your own
  • Journaling prompts to help guide you as move along this week
  • Plus…how to find & develop your signature mark





🧠Developing your voice further 

🎨The Mother Color 


  • Why choosing colors intuitively helps us show off our voice
  • How to develop trust with your own voice
  • How to know when you should put the paintbrush down…and when to keep going
  • Plus…my trademark technique, The Mother Color





🧠Our art as a mirror

🎨Putting it all together


  • How to trust your instincts after defining your voice
  • How to stop looking outside yourself to decide what you need to create
  • Plus…how to tie it all together and let your work evolve naturally



*Our live sessions each week will take place at 12:00pm CST Mondays and Wednesdays each week.  I’ll send you reminders beforehand, don’t worry! There are also recordings in case you can’t make each week live.



BONUS WORKSHEET: Color Values Lesson (Value $19)

This is the mistake 95% of new artists make. The good news is once you see it, you can’t unsee it. Learn how to leverage color values in your art.


BONUS WORKBOOK: How to Get Unstuck (Value $29)

We’ve all been there — staring at a blank canvas or a fugly painting. This workbook will give you steps to move you out of that stuck cycle so you feel confident about your final piece.

BONUS LESSON: What Makes for Great Composition: A Dance of Opposites (Value $179)

Balance is everything in art. To find the balance, you have to know how to use opposites — colors, shape, and more. This lesson will show you how.

BONUS LESSON: Free Meditation (Value $79) 

Getting into a creative headspace is half the battle when you want to create your most honest art. This meditation will guide you there!


BONUS WORKSHEET: How to Find Your Why (Value $19)

Alongside your values, finding your “why” is the North Star that guides our creativity. This worksheet will help you define that why so you can create truly powerful art

BONUS WORKBOOK: Journal Prompts for the Abstract Artist (Value $39)

Finding your voice means creating more space where you can share your voice. Journaling is a great way to view your thoughts objectively, and you can take that inspiration to your canvas.


Heyyyy! I’m Jodie, professional artist and art educator. 

At the age of 35, I got a wild hair to grab a paintbrush — and I’ve been painting ever since. At the age of 50, I went through a major life event that shook me to my core… but getting a “real job” sounded like a terrible idea. Instead, I leaned into my art biz more than ever to help me build a whole new life.

I started this journey 20 years ago and since then, I’ve sold hundreds of my own paintings, made hundreds of thousands of dollars in art sales, spoken about creativity and the artistic process at dozens of conferences, and hosted a countless number of my own workshops where I get to meet incredible people like you! I love to teach others my methods of rebellious painting (and living) and I hold nothing back. 

Now, I’m bringing you this bootcamp because I firmly believe that creating fine art isn’t for the lucky few who were “born with it.” We’ve all got it!! We just need the training. Plus…and this is the most important part…making art frees us to excavate our truest, wildest, most authentic selves. And frankly, we don’t have any more time to waste on the bullshit.

I know what it’s like to feel the frustration of knowing what you want to say in your art but never being quite sure how to do it. I know how it feels to be unsure if the work you created was any good…or if our friends/family were just being nice. And I know what it feels like to truly have a style, but not quite sure how to find it.   

But when I found my voice, all of that changed. 

And now…I want to help you find the liberation that I did, so you too can make your best, most powerful, honest art. Why? Because the world needs you and your magic.Â